Long-term archiving of video, audio loudness and captions
Intuitive timeline view for browsing archived data
Full API integration to 3rd party systems
Verification of legal compliance of closed caption data and audio loudness
Responding to customer complaints or service failures
Proof‑of‑ run through various equipment systems
The VideoBRIDGE Archive Server provides powerful data recording and archiving capabilities with minimal setup and configuration. When connected to the VideoBridge Controller, the VB-Archive Server automatically activates the VBC’s Timeline analysis capability for an extremely powerful new way to analyze historical data in depth.
The VideoBRIDGE Controller’s new Timeline graphical data analysis technology allows users to browse through recorded data in an NLE-style Timeline display to observe correlations and patterns of errors occurring over any time period.
Users can navigate through the data at any point in the recorded archive, opening and collapsing data tracks, and zooming in to observe fine detail on all the visible tracks. The Timeline view shows content thumbnails, alarm markers and all the metrics familiar from the MediaWindow™ displays, making visual navigation through the data simple and efficient. Users can also drag and drop data tracks to group them in any order for convenience.
The Archive Server and Timeline functionality enables operators to go back and explore, understand, verify and document in complete detail what happened at any given time, or look for patterns over longer periods of time to identify and eliminate problems. Engineers can search through the chain of events that led up to service failures, and generate reports for remedial action or fulfilment of regulatory SLA obligations.
Customers will find that the Archive Server and Timeline capabilities greatly simplify detailed and comprehensive reporting for regulatory verification of closed caption compliance, audio loudness, RF quality and other parameters. These easy-to-use tools can be quickly added to any VideoBRIDGE monitoring system and subsequently function without further attention.