BISS-CA Technology Overview and Implementation
October 6 : 9:00am CT
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BISS CA is gearing up to replace BISS1 and BISS2 encryption protocols across the globe. The technology is poised to increase security for contribution and primary distribution systems and give content providers more control over who receives their content. Learn how BISS-CA will be the next-gen vendor agnostic security platform for the broadcast industry. Aaron Doughten, product manager at Sencore, will discuss the new functionality of the protocol and how it benefits content providers.
Internet Delivery Protocols – Compare and Contrast
October 7 : 10:30am CT
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Delivering real-time video across the internet is nothing new, but with so many options out there, how do you choose the one(s) that will best fit your specific needs? Redundancy, Cost, Latency, Management, Error Resiliency, Ease of use; these are all important factors to consider when choosing an internet delivery protocol for your distribution or contribution needs. Join Sencore to learn the details of each, to be able to make an educated and informed decision that best meets your objectives. Jason Dabbert, Product Manager at Sencore, will discuss the inner-workings and why each are important.
ATSC 3.0 – Getting ATSC 3.0 content on MVPD networks
October 8 : 10:30am CT
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As ATSC 3.0 transmissions start coming online in North America, cable companies and other MVPDs that currently retransmit ATSC 1.0 broadcasts will need to evaluate how to handle these new 3.0 formats. In this webinar, Seth VerMulm, Senior Product Manager at Sencore, will explore the technical differences between ATSC 1.0 and 3.0 as well as look at signal paths and the necessary equipment to accommodate this new signal format in current delivery networks.