
Sencore’s SCP 2100 adds more encoding and ad insertion features

Sencore, the gateway to better video delivery, recently announced the next major feature release to its innovative SCP 2100 Internet delivery encoder. MPEG2 encoding and transcoding has been added as well as SCTE 104 to SCTE 35 ad insertion conversion. With the addition of these two features, the SCP 2100 is an extremely versatile edge device for acquiring, compressing and backhauling content across the internet.

The SCP 2100 is a cost-effective, multi-purpose device that allows operators to have a single solution for acquiring and transporting their content over the open internet, regardless of codec, interface or streaming protocol. With support for nearly any physical input – including MPEG/IP, HDMI, SDI, ASI, QAM and 8VSB, along with support for both H.264 and MPEG2, the SCP 2100 is truly a plug and play solution. Once the signal has been compressed, rate-shaped, transcoded or repackaged, it is transported as Zixi or SRT across the internet or as MPEG/IP with SMPTE 2022-1 Forward Error Correction.

This vast feature set makes the SCP 2100 the ideal device for acquiring content from off-air broadcast feeds, sporting events and public service addresses. The applications are endless.

As with all Sencore products, the SCP 2100 is backed by Sencore’s best-in-class staff of ProCare support engineers.

To download the full datasheet, view features and product specifications or request a demo, visit

About Sencore

Sencore, the gateway to better video delivery, is a rapidly growing technology company that provides a broad range of innovative products and services enabling efficient, high-quality video delivery. Sencore continues to meet the needs of modern media with a cutting-edge product portfolio, backed by best-in-industry support. Sencore works in close collaboration with customers to provide solutions for the content delivery challenges of today and tomorrow, enabling them to deliver high-quality content throughout their networks.